Event, Fitness & Operational Timers
USER CHANGEABLE COLOR is standard on all BRG LED digital clocks.
BRG manufactures digital timers for several applications, including surgery, sporting events, fitness, safety and countdowns to special events.
Click on an image below to learn more.
Call 866-252-2704 or 316-530-8854
BRG Event Timers are perfect for counting down to the end of a special project, construction completion, graduation, a sporting event, retirement, etc... We offer several sizes, generic graphics or custom graphics for your special event. |
BRG's Fitness/Sports Timer is perfect fro track meets, marathons, fund raisers, auto racing qualifying and more. With large bright LEDs these timers can easily be placed outdoors on tripods. Heavy Duty water proof carrying cases are also available for storing and transporting the units safely. |
Operational Timers provide a visual reminder that time is running out with the Red, Yellow and Green LEDs at the left of the time. Simply set the event time, When you want to give a warning that time is running out and your ready to time your process. These timers can count up or count down. |
Every timer operation is unique. We highly encourage you to contact our knowledgeable sales staff to discuss your specific requirement.
Below is a list of some of the different timers that we offer.
- Up/Down Elapsed
- Code Blue
- Process
- Auto looping
- Fitness
- Production
- Leading Edge
- Speech
- Machine Downtime
- Alarm
- Stoplight
- Machine Control
- Computer Control
- Synchronized
- Message Association
Call 866-252-2704 or 316-530-8854