Time Zone Clocks/Displays
BRG manufactures time zone clocks to fit your needs. BRG clocks are factory synchronized with the U. S. Atomic Clock and will remain accurate for the life of the display. We offer four types of time zone clocks - Analog, Alpha, Fixed Zone and Programmable Zone. Click on the photos below to get more details. |
Call 866-252-2704 or 316-530-8854 |
BRG digital time zone clocks are capable of displaying all known world time zone rules, including rule based daylight saving time, 30 minute time zones, and more. If a country changes daylight saving time rules, the change can easily be implemented in the field without the need for factory programming or firmware updates.
Digital time zone displays will provide any combination of time zone and display formats, including UTC (Zulu) Time, Any World Time Zone, Half-hour time zones, Enable or Disable Daylight Saving Time, and 12 or 24 hour display formats, with or without leading zeros. An IR remote control is included with all digital time zone displays. RF remotes are optional.
You can display more than just time on BRG time zone displays - For clocks with bar segment digits, any zone can be configured to display the Julian Day/Date, Sunrise time, Sunset time, temperature, configurable fixed numbers and more. Additionally, clocks using matrix characters for time or location label, you can also display the Military shipping code and Air Tasking Order (ATO). |
Accurate for Life – no manual adjustments are required for the life of the display. No GPS, sync wiring or network wiring. High Reliability.
Factory synchronized with the U.S. Atomic Clock. Programming and time is maintained during power outages.
For those that require external time sources, we offer GPS, NTP (Network), IRIG-B, and SMPTE time receivers to synchronize the time zone display with the U.S. Atomic Clock or other time server.
Specify custom lettering from left to right when ordering. Digital bar segments are available in Red, Green and Blue LEDs. The digital zone labels are available in Red, Green and Yellow.
The standard high brightness bar segment displays are ideal for indoor applications, but they cannot be seen in direct sunlight, or highly reflected sunlight. For indoor use, the intensity can be reduced for normal viewing, or increased for greater viewing distance.
There is an auto brightness option that allows the display intensity to automatically adjust LED brightness to ambient light.
BRG also offers a Wireless 2.4 GHz analog Time Zone Display for retro look. You can feature up to 18 different time zones, 15 and 30 minute offsets, including DST rules. Analog clocks are available in 12" and 15" diameters and Brushed Aluminum or Black Plastic Finishes.
BRG welcomes requests for customized time zone displays to meet your individual needs. Contact one of our Salesmen today at 800-295-0220.
Call 866-252-2704 or 316-530-8854 |
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USER CHANGEABLE COLOR is standard on all BRG LED digital clocks.
BRG Time Zone Clocks are accurate for life without the need for manual or external time updates. A GUI touch screen IR remote control is available to ease configuration.
In need of a replacement IR Remote?
Purchase one online today. |
IR Remote Control |
Long Range IR Remote Control |
IR1 Remote Control
IR Remote Control with 30 ft. range - BRG clocks must already have an IR receiver to use this remote. Clocks with an IR receiver will work with either short and long range remotes. If you're not sure if your clock is compatible, call Technical Support at 316-788-2000, option #2 and they will verify.
IR1LR Long Range IR Remote Control
Long Range IR Remote Control with 100 ft. range - BRG clocks must already have an IR receiver to use this remote. Clocks with an IR receiver will work with either short and long range remotes. If you're not sure if your clock is compatible, call Technical Support at 316-788-2000, option #2 and they will verify.